"Az egyetlen dolog, amit biztosan tudnod kell, az a könyvtár helye." Albert Einstein

Book of the Month

Library visiting regulations


The institute is a public library thus is open to any inquirer in accordance with the regulation of the 1997.CXL. law and other legal standards.

The member of the library is entitled to the use of the services of any public library!

The member of the library is entitled to the following services free of charge:

  • Visiting of the library
  • On the spot use of parts of collections marked by the library
  • Use of file uncovering tools
  • Information about the services of the library and the library system

The library can register the personal data of the users of the free services without registration fee.

Services other than the above mentioned free services are available after registration at the appointed fees. The maintainer can decide to charge a registration fee.

The member of the library has to provide the following personal data upon registration: name, mother’s name, place and date of birth, address, number of ID card or passport.
The library is responsible for the protection of personal data in accordance with the concerning legal regulations.

The course of book rental:

  • Registration with a filled and signed personal data sheet and ID card or student card.
  • The rental period of books is 4 weeks, this deadline can be extended two times with 3 weeks each time. Maximum 6 books can be rented at the same time (3 books under 14 years).
  • The rental period for journals is 4 weeks and maximum 3 pieces can be rented at the same time.
  • The documents have to be return before the deadline, members with overdue books have to pay a fine.

The use of the reading room
In the reading room a separated non-rentable collection is available in an open-shelf system, in accordance with the UDC system in classified order. These can only be used on the spot and cannot be rented. Taking these outside the reading room, underlining the text, damaging or mangling is strictly forbidden!
As long as the legal regulations makes it possible the member can request photocopies of all the documents of the library, which is made with the photocopier of the library as per the current fees.

Items that are not accessible in the library and are needed for educational purposes are available through inter-library rental. Postage will be charged to the reader.

In case of a reasonable instance books that are essential for educational purposes can be rented only for weekends. If the reader misses the deadline he can be banned from this service temporarily or permanently.

Coats and bags should be left at the designated place during the visit of the library.
The browsing of the books should be done with a shelf-dummy.



«  February 2025  »


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