"Az egyetlen dolog, amit biztosan tudnod kell, az a könyvtár helye." Albert Einstein

Book of the Month


Any Hungarian and foreign citizen can register to the library and get a library card. When registering the reader’s name, mother’s name, place and time of birth, address and occupation (if applicable) will be put on record based on the reader’s ID card. The citizens of non EU member states will have to identify themselves with their passport. The citizens of EU member states can use their ID cards. The number of the ID card or passport used for identification has to be also put on record. In the case of a reader being under 16 years old a permission of a parent or guardian is necessary for registration. The protection of personal data is being taken care of according to the laws applicable.

Registration fee:
The registration fee is for a one year period.

For employed or persons with other income: 200 Ft
Students over 16 years old, college students: 100 Ft
Teachers, employees of public education and public collections,
kids under 16 and people over 70: FREE

30 Ft / week
Lost and damaged documents have to be paid for in accordance with the current retail price.

Replacement of library card:
150 Ft

Literary research can be requested free of charge

The costs of the ODR service libraries will be charged to the reader using the services.

Photocopy fees:
A/4 page 15 Ft
A/3 page 30 Ft
Fax: 200 Ft/page

100Ft/30 minutes
200Ft/60 minutes

Word processor:
100Ft/60 minutes

30 Ft / page
300 Ft / page (color)



«  February 2025  »


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Igazgató munkakör ellátására  



Tisztelt látogatók!

2020. november 1-tól díjváltozásokat...


Könyvtár zárva

Kedves Olvasónk!